Monday, August 31, 2009

i need my best friend back. fuck that bitch
i don't want to delete your phone number.
even though you've passed away.
i just cant bring myself to do it.
fuck,i think i do love you.

Friday, August 28, 2009

I miss you as my bestfriend. Not my lover. Come back.
i think i feel the same way....i just dont have anything to compare it to so dont know what it is.

Friday, August 21, 2009

i wish you spent the day with me.
i wish i could believe you when you say you're falling in love with me.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

I hate that you can't say no to your friends but you can always say no to me.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

nothing will ever be the same. in a good way.
I suck at least one dick on every Tuesday....and only on Tuesday.
i just spent 13 dollars and 60 cents on cupcakes.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

If you're that afraid of change and are already having regrets,
why are you doing it.
It was your decision in the first place...
so either suck it up and stop complaining,
or don't go.
I'm so scared to leave. 

Sunday, August 16, 2009

I wasn't asleep.
You are on your way here,
I don't know how I feel about it.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Christine is the epitome of everything that is amazing, wonderful, beautiful, and beyond-words-fucking-awesome. And I love her. So do you.
shoe makes real good burrito's.
heather is just the cutest thing.
the end.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Monday, August 10, 2009

King Size Snickers.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

This love feels soo good. (:
I'm sitting next to The Legend.
Once I saw this video i couldn't get you off my mind. I wish you knew how I felt.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Dear you,

I remember when pastels seemed to own my world nothing was sharp or dark or crude. When I would smile my eyes would lighten with excitement the green taking over the deep blue in them. You recognized this in me from the moment you saw me, my care, my naivety, the fire burning in my personality from my heart. That's when your pursuit began like a wolf to a piece of meat. I gave you a sweet smile from across the room obviously I had my own intentions just nowhere near as dire as yours. I can feel the alcohol making heat rise to my cheeks. Somehow me and you made our way outside the dry California heat on a June night making us feel warm and more comfortable. Maybe we should've realized it was just the weather and not some feeling of desire we had for eachother. We collapse on the ground to laugh and stare at the stars. I chuckle at your sarcastic manner as we start the introductions even though I can sense how drunk and nervous you are. I remember having to move your hands away which you finally accepted after a few hundred chasetisements. To this day I remember the way you held me that night and the way you made me feel. The feeling of care that I know you had and you gave me. I hope that you are alone forever because you treat humans like the piece of shit you are.

The best you'll ever have
story of my life.
well as of now.
so many things need work.

but i dont think its something i can do alone.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

I think it finally hit me last night how much of a scum bag you really are, before i played it off like your said some sketchy things sometimes and were just rude for shock value or somthing, but the way you treat women is unexeptable. i want to confront you about it but i dont know how receptive you could possibly be.
youll probly see this and might even know it was me. if so you should bring it up, these actions prove that your more brave than I am.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

im convinced im a burden to the people around me. please dont feel obligated to pretend to be my friend
I've realized I will never be good enough for you, or for anybody. I always wonder if everyone else hates themselves as much as I hate myself.

Monday, August 3, 2009

I know I didn't mean anything more to you than just a distraction from your loneliness and heartbreak. I know that once I could no longer keep your mind away from the thoughts that drive you crazy you dropped me without a second thought for that far more attractive, far more interesting young thing. And I also know that once she is no longer new to you, you will move on once again.
I knew you were doing this from the very beginning....
but it didn't stop me from letting you.
Part of me wanted it,
because part of me wanted you,
it was a small price to pay
because even if your feelings were only temporary, 
at least I had you
even if only for a minute
I met you for the first the other day, i probably wont see you soon but in the short time we hung out around eachother I managed to get a huge crush on you. Crushes are fun, but in some cases, such as these, they're a bummer cause you live there.
im always the person that people want to hookup with and move on. it seems like ill never find an actual relationship
lately i haven't been able to remember my dreams and i don't like it.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

I wish I could kiss you. At least once.
i get depressed when you guys leave. it sucks