Thursday, July 2, 2009

I know that everyone is worried about me, and that's one of the things that hurts the worst.
I told myself I wouldn't let you guys down, but I'm just not strong enough.
I'm sorry.


  1. friends worry because they love you, and its ok if your not strong enough because they are there for you at your moments of weakness. hang in there and maybe let your guard down so your friends can help you. just because you screw up doesn't mean you should give up, you have your whole life ahead of you and being positive and starting a new chapter is one of the great things about life. Don't give up.

  2. I'll love you forever no matter what. The only way you'll let me down is if you stop living. I don't want to see you hurt now or ever. Let's get over this together.

  3. I love you guys. You're the only reason I have for living.
